Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Discussion Board Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discussion Board Questions - Essay ExampleIn the same way, there whitethorn be limited opportunities for college students and new graduates based on their less experience. For a college student on job hunting, it is vital to consider opportunity as compared to salary. This is based on the fact that even the low salaried jobs require reasonable skills that a college student may not posses.Unions improve the productivity of employees in different ways. First, by allowing employees to join labor unions it makes them to feel secured in their employment. As a result of security, they feel prompt thus making them more productive. It is worth to note that workers are not only motivated by high salaries but also efforts by the instruction to address their problems. It is through unions that employees grievances can be sent to the employers. Another way through which union enhances employees productivity is by training them on their rights and responsibilities. Through such training, emp loyees are aware of how to effectively perform their duties as well as answer of internal conflicts thus giving them opportunities for promotions and more benefits. Unions help in negotiation process and solving the problems betwixt the employers and the employees without use of violence and destruction. Cofer and Appley 26 argue that this allows employees to be part and parcel of the negotiation process confidential information to improved employees self esteem and enhanced workers performance.Management has a responsible for allowing its workers to join a represent negotiation with the unions. It is worth to note that organisations fail due to lack of effective collective bargaining. In this regard, management must allow ample opportunities to unions to give their views on the salaries. This implies that it is the responsibility of the management to provide information regarding the heart and soul of salaries and benefits offered to the

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